Consumer Credit Counseling – Your Defence Against Bankruptcy

Consumer Credit Counseling - Your Defence Against Bankruptcy

Consumer Credit Counseling - Your Defence Against Bankruptcy

Consumer credit counselling, an alternative to filing bankruptcy, has helped many people with problem credit to take control of their finances and eliminate debt. It is meant for people who are suffering with credit and need immediate help to avoid bankruptcy. Consumer credit counseling works by teaching life-long money management skills and it helps people to understand their credit situation and the costs associated with credit card misuse.


Consumer credit counseling is a reliable and proven method for consumers to become debt-free and to stop the annoying, often very upsetting, phone calls from creditors. Credit consumer counseling organizations have a huge, positive impact on the American economy. Consumer credit counseling may, or may not, have some effect on your credit.

Research and choose carefully a consumer credit counseling service or a full-blown debt management program, as you need to choose an agency that is right for you.

The service is usually not free, typical charges may include a start-up fee and a monthly maintenance fee, which is often around $10-$15 which can add up rather quickly; especially assuming you’re already in debt.


Debt management agencies help you reduce and consolidate your loans by negotiating with your creditors. Debt management services and specialists focus on just that, managing and hopefully eliminating debt. Debt settlement is well recognized by the banks and your creditors as a way of getting out of debt due to a financial hardship.

Debt settlement is when you make arrangements with your creditors to pay a fraction of what is owed to them so the debt is not written off as a bad debt or total loss. Debt is a fact of life in America, making debt relief a national obsession.


Today, money management may seem difficult and confusing at times. Some consumer credit counseling services can negotiate lower interest rates and set up a debt management plan with your creditors.

If you qualify for and choose to begin a debt management program, a reputable company will negotiate payment terms and concessions with your creditors and provide free and confidential credit counseling, debt management, and economic education in person, by phone, and through mail to help you meet your obligations and become debt-free.


Creditors should not be permitted to harass you at all hours of the day and night. There are limits to how little your creditors will accept, and a consumer credit counseling service may not be able to cut your payments enough to either give you breathing room or get you out of debt. Find out how much of each monthly payment is going to your creditors, and when it will be sent to them. Major creditors usually have hardship programs allowing reduced payments and lower interest for consumers enrolling in the debt consolidation program, closing all or most of their unsecured accounts to place them in the program.


Bankruptcy is a debt resolution alternative sometimes offered to consumers who are seriously in debt. Bankruptcy involves the filing of a petition with the bankruptcy court in order to obtain protection from creditors. Although bankruptcy provides you with a chance for a fresh start and a renewed perspective on life and your family, it can be devastating to your credit rating and very upsetting for your family.